Sun, March 16

Pixelmon NFT Game All Set For a Revamped Comeback

Pixelmon NFT Game All Set For a Revamped Comeback NFT News
  • Pixelmon revealed a new leadership team and an altered plan.
  • Co-founder of LiquidX, would lead Pixelmon as its chief executive officer.

Pixelmon, a project that generated $70 million by selling NFTs that promised to give a Pokémon-esque experience and then exhibited ragged artwork that was universally ridiculed and spawned memes in plenty, is perhaps the best example of the excess and speculative excitement in the NFT industry earlier this year. In fact, one of Pixelmon’s creators has already referred to the artwork’s unveiling as a “horrible mistake.”

A few months have passed, and the Ethereum-based gaming project is making a reappearance. Following the introduction of updated artwork, which transformed the blocky, Minecraft-inspired models into more polished, smoothed-out 3D animals, Pixelmon revealed a new leadership team and an altered plan.

Strong Comeback With New Leadership

The makers of the upcoming Pixelmon online game have plans to convert the collectable NFT monsters, which sold for as much as 3 ETH (about $8,100 each) in the inaugural sale, into standardized 3D characters that can be utilized in both Pixelmon and other metaverse games.

LiquidX, a Web3 VC studio that assists with the creation of NFT-based businesses, took up the development of Pixelmon early this year. A news statement states that LiquidX has invested 60% of its capital into the project and that Giulio Xiloyannis, co-founder of LiquidX, would lead Pixelmon as its chief executive officer.

A playable alpha test version of the game is expected to be released by Pixelmon before the end of 2022. The revised plan calls for the game’s alpha testing to start in the first quarter of 2023, and also calls for the eventual release of virtual land NFTs and distinct utility and governance tokens to power Pixelmon’s economy. In late 2023, we may expect the finished game.

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A diploma graduate who is passionate about digital currency and loves writing. He loves the concept of crypto and keeps himself up to date with the latest development and news of the crypto world.