Thu, February 6

Metaverse Adoption Escalating Rapidly in Japan

SecondLive Celebrating First Anniversary by Rewarding Soulbound Tokens Metaverse
  • The University of Tokyo is about to launch new courses related to the metaverse.
  • The new metaverse course will educate learners about the working of the subject.

The University of Tokyo is planning to introduce Metaverse-related courses in the educational field. According to recent reports from Japan, the University will bring out a series of engineering courses, utilizing metaverse technology, at any time of the year. The course which is connected with Metaverse will be provided for both students and the workforce. 

A university representative stated:

University of Tokyo welcomes everyone to join their upcoming metaverse course, especially motivating women to join this course. Female students remain underrepresented in university engineering degrees. 

Metaverse Expands in Every Sector

With the launch of the metaverse based courses, Tokyo University is looking to achieve multiple benefits in the future. The aim is to introduce various engineering and information science career paths to high school students, which are available at the University of Tokyo. They are also focusing on resolving the lack of employees, who are capable of using digital tools and new technologies in academic scenarios.  

The new initiative adopted by the university will provide courses in the areas like artificial intelligence, entrepreneurial education, and next-generation communication technology. The students will be given a basic overview of the particular area, as well as information on potential career paths in engineering, science, and other related fields. They also have the chance to attend the classes in both online and offline methods. Furtherly, the students who complete these courses will receive certification from the University of Tokyo. 

Nowadays, Metaverse adoption is continuously increasing in Japan. Local Japanese government bodies are already set to begin metaverse projects. Recently, the local authorities have collaborated with Yoshimoto Kogyo, one of Japan’s entertainment industry players to Launch the Metaverse Project in the Japanese city, Yabu.

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