Tue, February 11

Affyn’s NFT Sets A Record-breaking First Public Sales

Generation Zero Buddies within 100 seconds. Buddies were in very high demand due to their remarkable qualities. In less than 100 seconds the Singapore-based blockchain firm Affyn officially sold the collection of Generation Zero Buddies” (Gen 0) NFTs. This first group of 400 Gen 0 NFTs, also referred to as

July 7, 2022 1 min read

Global NFT Sales Plunges Down Over 50% In 7 Months

Global NFT sales have dipped to 53% in the last 7 months. NFT sales achieved its all-time high in August 2021. From August 2021 to March 2022, the difference is $2.61 billion. The NFT sales in 2021 were a bang which also hit their all-time high in August while creating

April 4, 2022 2 mins read

NFT Continues To Break Record Sales Hitting $1 Billion In August-End

NFT has extremely grown in popularity as well as in terms of adoption. NFT users are rising in number and investors are rushing towards NFT. The NFT sales says it all about its evolution since the start of this year. Non-fungible tokens almost hit $2.5 billion in the first half

September 4, 2021 2 mins read