Sun, February 16

MetaMask All Set to Collect Users’ IP Addresses On-Chain Transaction

MetaMask All Set to Collect Users' IP Addresses On-Chain Transaction Bitcoin News
  • ConsenSys would use users’ personal information to protect against illegal activity.
  • Infura is an API-based tool that enables users to link their applications to the Ethereum network.

The wallet’s developer ConsenSys published a revised privacy policy agreement On Nov 23, which prompted criticism on social media. That stated, ConsenSys’ well-known Infrura product has been intended to collect users’ additional data.

According to the statement, MetaMask would start collecting users’ IP addresses and Ethereum wallet addresses while on-chain transactions. The digital wallet MetaMask and the Infura blockchain development tool are both products offered by ConsenSys. 

In addition, ConsenSys, explains that using Infura as the default Remote Procedure Call (RPC) application provided by MetaMask records both their IP address and their Ethereum wallet address. Neither Infura nor MetaMask will gather the user’s IP address or Ethereum wallet address.

How does it work?

MetaMask is the most well-liked self-custody wallet with more than 21 million monthly active users. Although, MetaMask would collect information about users’ profiles, including login passwords and financial data, such as the particulars of credit cards or other payment cards. Also, it will gather transaction information, including billing information and information regards purchases that make through the Service.

Further, ConsenSys believes that data obtained in this way may be provided to affiliates, throughout business transactions, or to satisfy law enforcement-mandated Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering obligations. Moreover, ConsenSys would use users’ personal information to protect, investigate, and deter fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal activity.

However, ConsenSys is not the only company that has recently decided to increase the volume of data it gathers from its customer base. Recently, decentralized exchange Uniswap started collecting various off-chain data, such as users’ device type or browser to enhance user experience. 

A journalism graduate who is passionate about writing loves to dance and travel currently starts exploring blockchain technology.