Sat, September 21

K8’s Argo Workflows Enable Attackers Mine Monero (XMR)

K8’s Argo Workflows Enable Attackers Mine Monero (XMR) Blockchain News

With the crypto industry upgrading and constantly developing itself upon its blockchain technologies, the same are extensively used for ethical hacking and attacks upon the industry. In spite of this, in the latest trend, attackers are now using Argo Workflows, the most widely used engine for Kubernetes (K8) to perform, for illegal crypto minings.

Argo Workflow Based Attacks

The development in means of technology is a boon also for all sorts of illegal hacking and attacks upon the crypto industry. Such technology now turns deadly in the hands of attackers.

In spite of this, attackers are now using Kubernetes (K8), the most widely used cloud computing platform. In addition, the attackers now use the Argo Workflows of K8 to connect different crypto mining machines.  Also, modules that are connected to the internet.  

Furthermore, using K8, the attackers have enabled proficient mining of cryptocurrencies like Monero (XMR) using the Argo Workflows if paired.

Moreover, the cybersecurity firm, Intezer reveals that they have previously discovered certain unprotected nodes. Also, they term these unprotected nodes as the ones through which the attackers enter into the platform. 

Accordingly, this will enable anyone to attack the vulnerable platforms and make them perform any task as they intend.

The Dangers of Cloud Computing 

The K8 based attacks are on the rise recently. Many prominent tech giants have reported such attacks. Amidst this, Microsoft reported last month regarding such a K8 attack which targeted the k8 clusters using Kubeflow machine learning. 

Furthermore, this has enabled the attackers to mine cryptos like Ethereum (ETH) illegally using Ethminers. 

However, all such attacks are made possible because of the flourishing cloud computing, enabling the connectivity necessary for such hacks and attacks. 

In addition, most of such Monero crypto miners can be easily attacked upon using the K8 machines. 

Also as the majority of such Monero miners are mostly based on such hardware protocols, many security firms expect further large-scale attacks even more.

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A Project Engineer by profession, a writer by passion. Especially into the critics and skeptics on cryptocurrency. His fascination towards the crypto world and his personal experience on it has made him a writer with a taste.