Wed, March 12

Polkadot (DOT) All Set for Web3 With Parachains!

Polkadot (DOT) raises up with new parachains. Polkadot supremizes itself for Web3. Iota Foundation Co-founder Dominik Schiener comments optimistically. With the onset of Web3, the entire blockchain sector is in a hustle and bustle. In such terms, being one of the most prominent and a much capable all-rounder blockchain, the

December 20, 2021 2 mins read

Elon Musk Degrades Crypto, Web3-Leading to Market Crash

Elon Musk tweets degrading crypto overall. Complete crypto market slumps down after Elon’s tweet.  Tweet symbolizes Elon criticizing his brother Kimbal Musk. It’s been quite a long time since our favourite critic, Elon Musk makes a controversial tweet, especially upon the crypto industry. Besides being a prominent influential person in

December 5, 2021 2 mins read

The Next Big Trend in Crypto is Social Apps

The discussion about Web 3.0 is still ongoing on centralized Web 2.0 sites. Crypto-based social apps are the way forward. The rapid 30% drop in the cryptocurrency market last week. Moreover, the subsequent rapid rebound made many people wonder what will happen next. Crypto circles aside, the discussion about the

June 10, 2021 3 mins read