Mon, March 10 Announces Free Crypto Tax Service in the UK Tax was successfully launched earlier this month in Canada, America, and Australia. Aside from all this, the company announced that this service is now available in the UK as well and will be offered in more regions in the future. The Tax service makes submitting crypto tax returns

September 27, 2021 2 mins read

Final Vote of U.S Crypto tax bill Commences on Tuesday

In recent times, there were a lot of controversial statements revolving in the U.S regulations for crypto taxations. The U.S provision targets to achieve $28 billion for bipartisan  infrastructure and uses a smart idea to raise the fund through the tax amount of cryptocurrencies.  Besides, the U.S Senate is against

August 10, 2021 2 mins read

Plan B Helps In Providing Tax-Break for Rich Crypto Investors

Katie Ananina, a Russian expat and former professional sailboat racer is the founder of Plan B Passport. This firm brokers citizenship through investment schemes for tax-haven countries that do not tax capital gains on crypto holdings for rich investors. Plan B helps in providing passports mainly for European clients each

July 12, 2021 2 mins read