Tue, January 14

Metametaverse Joins Forces With Anitya.space to Launch ‘Metaverse Founders Club’

The Metaverse Founders Club, a group of metaverse initiatives, has been launched by Metametaverse. A common goal is to foster interoperability across projects and virtual worlds by joining the Founders’ Club. According to Metametaverse CEO Joel Dietz: “Sadly, in many crypto metaverses, the tendency is more of a banker that

June 2, 2022 2 mins read

MetaMetaVerse Drops 5,000 Unique MetaShip And NFTs On OpenSea For Cross-Metaverse

The MetaMetaverse team is happy to announce the MetaShip in the OpenSea marketplace. The MetaShips are the world’s first cross-chain upgradable Non-fungible (NFT) tokens and are required to purchase land in the Metametaverse later. Victoria, Seychelles, on 13 May 2022, in the OpenSea marketplace, MetaMetaverse released a set of 5,000

May 13, 2022 2 mins read
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