Sun, February 2

Hedera Network TVL Hits All-Time High of $100 Million

After the horrific aftermath of the FTX exchange’s failure, the cryptocurrency market plummeted to lows not seen since the bear market of 2018. The Hedera project, which operates on the company’s patented Hashgraph technology, has continued to thrive despite this. After a rough second quarter, the Hedera Network rebounded with

November 27, 2022 1 min read

LG Launches Hedera Blockchain For Television NFTs

With LG’s most recent software, they may purchase, market, and advertise Hedera NFTs. LG Art Lab will only work with LG TVs. The LG Art Lab, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace that connects to the Hedera Network and is situated in Korea, is being launched by LG. Television owners with

September 5, 2022 1 min read
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