Sun, February 2

TikTok Is Becoming a Hub for Crypto Fake News?

Most youngsters consume cryptocurrency’s latest update from TikTok. Credibility and authenticity of the video information are placed under the question mark. TikTok is the most popular video-streaming social platform for teens and young adults. Also, a fill-in encyclopedia among its audience is the crisp and short information videos.  We can

April 22, 2023 1 min read

Fake Press Release About Collaboration of Walmart With Litecoin

Fake press release on Walmart’s collaboration with Litecoin. The partnership program was called, ‘Pay with Litecoin Option’. LTC price surged after the fake news On Monday, September 13, a fake press release from committers using the name of Walmart Inc. started to circulate. The information that avails on the debunked

September 14, 2021 2 mins read
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