Tue, March 4

Top 3 Cryptocurrencies of the Week: SHIB, MANA, SCRT

SHIB is outperforming the mainstream cryptocurrencies. The price value of SHIB has surged over 167% in a week. Top three crypto tokens of the week are SHIB, MANA, and SCRT. The popularity of crypto tokens is surging and their adoption is massive since the spike of Bitcoin price value. Cryptocurrencies

October 29, 2021 2 mins read

MANA token (Decentraland) stays bullish above 250%

Decentraland’s price seems to be increasing for the past month. The rally started with 0.07USD and it’s currently traded at 0.19USD on top crypto exchanges. The trading volume for the token seems to be amazing with NFTS’s as their support. Last 30 days.- 58,400 NFT sales and $12.7 million worth

January 23, 2021 1 min read