Sun, February 16

Gala (GALA) Price Prediction 2025, 2026-2030

In this Gala (GALA) price prediction 2025, 2026-2030,  we will analyze the price patterns of GALA by using accurate trader-friendly technical analysis indicators and predict the future movement of the cryptocurrency. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Gala (GALA) Current Market Status What is Gala (GALA)? Gala (GALA) 24H Technicals GALA (GALA)

January 15, 2025 7 mins read

Benefits of Decentralized Exchange Aggregators. Which Ones Are the Best?

Modern cryptocurrency exchange aggregators have emerged due to the growing popularity and increasing use cases of digital currencies. These platforms provide specialized services that enable the exchange of cryptocurrencies for other coins or fiat money, similar to traditional online currency conversion points. The convenience and speed of cryptocurrency exchanges have

October 30, 2023 7 mins read

How to Track Your Cryptocurrency Portfolio?

Keeping track of your portfolio is vital for successful investing in cryptocurrencies. Crypto portfolio trackers enable you to monitor your portfolio’s performance across all wallets, exchanges, and blockchain networks on a single platform. With the best trackers, you can monitor your portfolio’s asset allocation, historical transactions, and P&Ls and manage

September 20, 2023 6 mins read

Trust Wallet’s Security Scanner Foils $10.4M Scam Attempts, Protecting Users

Recent news revolving around the Trust Wallet reveals the crypto wallet’s robust security scanner has successfully prevented users from falling victim to scams, protecting funds worth $10.4 million in the past 30 days. This commendable feat not only ensures the financial safety of users but also eliminates the distress that

September 12, 2023 2 mins read

BitgetTurns5 – In Every Era, There Are Those That Look Towards the Stars

Bitget marked its 5th anniversary today, reflecting on a relentless journey of progress. In an open letter, Managing Director Gracy Chen credits the team’s dedication and users’ support for achievements, and shares some insights.  Below are some key takeaways from the open letter: – Marathon Runner’s Approach: Bitget prioritizes user-friendly,

September 11, 2023 5 mins read

Gala Games Lawsuit Triggers FUD

In a shocking turn of events, the blockchain gaming platform Gala Games, renowned for its play-to-earn (P2E) games, is now embroiled in a legal battle, leaving the crypto community bewildered. On August 31, Gala Games’ CEO Eric Schiermeyer, and co-founder Wright Thurston filed lawsuits against each other in a Utah

September 4, 2023 2 mins read