Sun, February 23

Circle Announces Support For Polygon USDC on Its Payment Platform

Ethereum-Polygon Bridge transactions are inconvenient for many users. Polygon has grown to include more than 20,000 Dapps. The US Dollar Coin (USDC), a crypto stablecoin developed by Fintech firm Circle, is now available on the Polygon blockchain. Polygon USDC eliminates the need for users to transfer their USDC from Ethereum’s

June 8, 2022 1 min read Adds Support for ALGO Token, a provider of cryptocurrency products has extended its support to Algorand (ALGO), a Proof-of-Stake (POS) blockchain. Product Manager Amadeo Pellicce said, We are excited to add support for ALGO not just so that our customers can buy and sell the token, but also because it exposes more people

August 13, 2020 1 min read