Shytoshi Kusama Announces Shibapendance Day with the Launch of ShibaSwap
Shytoshi Kusama, the creator of the popular dog-themed memecoin Shiba Inu, has shared a blog post with exciting news. He announced Shibapendance Day as a remarkable achievement for the Shib community. The blog post from the Shiba Inu (SHIB) has sparked excitement around the crypto community. 拝啓初蝉の候 シバアーミーにおかれましては益々のご健勝のこと心よりお慶び申し上げます。 さて・・・・・・ 略儀ながらブログにてお知らせいたします。酷暑が続きますが、くれぐれも体調を崩されませぬよう、ご自愛ください。