Tue, March 25

One-stop Source For Substrate Pallets: Polkadot Unveils Substrate Marketplace

Blockchain News

The Substrate Developer Hub has undergone a significant upgrade to improve the Substrate learning and development experience. Polkadot, the network protocol developing genuine multi-chain applications, is pleased to announce it.

In addition to completely restructured documentation, for the first time, Polkadot has introduced a Substrate Marketplace, a one-stop shop for exploring the many Substrate pallets currently available. It is possible to design one’s own runtime logic by modifying and extending the powerful modules and support libraries in Substrate’s next-generation blockchain using Pallets.

In order to plan a Polkadot, Kusama, or solochain project, developers can now more easily explore existing pallets thanks to the introduction of Substrate Marketplace. Developers may now explore open-source pallets produced by the community and given back to the community under a variety of open-source licenses in addition to the pallets natively available in FRAME.

Crates and runtimes are sourced from teams’ GitHub repositories using the GraphQL API in Substrate Marketplace. However, Substrate Marketplace offers a more personalized experience for Substrate chain builders by allowing them to access pallets released by Parity and the community on crates.io. In addition, Substrate Marketplace is slated to get a slew of new features in the near future.

Substrate Marketplace is organized into three distinct areas for user’s convenience:

1. Runtimes: Uncover the power of composability

Examples of how several pallet capabilities may be combined to create new business logic are shown in this section. Many famous parachain projects have detailed runtime listings in this area, so there’s a good chance a solution to one’s particular problem already exists. Check out instances of how pallets may be joined to build unique blockchains for specific applications when browsing by category.

2. Pallets: Choose the appropriate components for the job

The modules in this repository include more than a hundred open-source projects that may be extended to meet the specific needs. Listed pallets may be browsed by category and include existing native-FRAME pallets and pallets that community members have donated. GitHub Insights, licenses, and dependencies are all included in each project’s listing.

3. Projects: Get inspired by others

Over 120 active projects from the Substrate and Dotsama ecosystems are included in a convenient list. Many initiatives are constantly popping up, from DeFi to file storage, from gaming to smart contracts. Branches and project sites may be quickly and easily found using the categories at the top of the page.

Substrate Marketplace is poised to play an increasingly important role in helping developers of all skill levels navigate the growing selection of projects and pallets linked with Substrate. Besides being an excellent resource in and of itself, it also demonstrates the increasing influence of the Polkadot community. Parity expects a rising number of open-source and commercial pallets to be contributed by a wide range of innovators, developers, and businesses to the library of accessible modules. A platform for these teams to showcase their work is provided via Substrate Marketplace.

Start exploring now to see all the pallets that Substrate developers have access to. Get in contact for a pallet or runtime that is needed to promote on Substrate Marketplace or for any help.

A crypto enthusiast. Loves to write. Gives full dedication to every task assigned. Specializes in delivering on tight deadlines. An animal lover, especially dogs.