Sat, January 11

Kingspeed Announces $10000 Prize Value in Their Latest Tournament Event

Editors News

KingSpeed – a blockchain-based car racing game has announced their newest event — Beta-Test Tournament with a total prize value of up to $10,000 to welcome the launch of their game beta version.

This is a chance for the community to have a taste of what KingSpeed is as a car racing game with different variety of game modes, NFT, earning methods,…

Beta-Test tournament organized by KingSpeed ​​will take place from February 15 to March 6, 2022. 

There will be two pools of rewards: Fastest pool for the top 5 racers with the awards of KingSpeed’s loot box, and Community pool for the people participating in the event. In order to join their Tournament, users are only required to hold a minimum of 200 KSC to participate.

The Tournament of beta game version is also a way for KingSpeed to give the power to the community to contribute to their game itself. Users can give KingSpeed feedback via this link regarding bugs or errors during the game play.

For more information about the event please visit KingSpeed’s Medium

About KingSpeed:

KingSpeed is a Free-to-play and Play-to-earn blockchain-based racing game where players use NFT cars and equipment to challenge other players in a huge and ever-expanding racing world that we created. In Kingspeed, users can collect rare virtual items including Cars, Drivers, Gears and Race Tracks. Furthermore, users can use their collectibles to race in our racing games. The design of the collectible components of the game simulates traditional scarcity-based collecting games. Their racing game will contain multiple game modes and activities, allowing users to earn rewards while playing the game.

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Content writer by profession. A crypto lover and has passion for writing. Follows the developments of digital currency right from its launch, years ago.

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