Sun, February 23

Hyperdex Mainnet Launches On Its DeFi Platform

Defi News

Today, Hyperdex the all-in-one investing platform for decentralized finance (DeFi), has announced its mainnet launch. Hyperdex has launched an initial trio of products, Fixed Income, Algo Trading, and Race Trading, following rigorous refinement and third-party auditing. These options, known as ‘cubes,’ will help users become used to Hyperdex and its amazing features.

Hyperdex’s three cubes provide a sample of the investing techniques. They work in the following way

  • Fixed Income: A low-risk strategy that allows investors to make a fixed return over time.
  • Algo Trading: A low-risk approach in which investors can earn a variable return over a set length of time.
  • Race Trading: High-risk method that allows investors to take a derivative-like bet on an asset’s future price.

Hyperdex was designed to drive down the complexity of DeFi investment, and to give users exposure to sophisticated products that were once the preserve of pros,” explains Manfredi Magris, Hyperdex Co-Founder. 

Our Race Trading cube, for example, contains a simplified derivatives contract that makes it easy for anyone to experience the rewards of decentralized finance, all boosted by the HYP token.

How Hperdex Will Work

Hyperdex controls every difficult component of derivatives contract in the latter cube, which is one of the platform’s main products. The only action required by the end-user is to choose the Race Trading cube, deposit the quoted asset, and wait.

Normally, investors who trade futures must meet margin requirements, set stop losses, and deal with the psychological aspect of witnessing a trade progress in real time. Hyperdex takes care of everything for the investor, turning a complicated product into a fully automated “set and forget” alternative.

The IDO for the HYP token will be announced after the Hyperdex platform’s mainnet activation. Other milestones on an ambitious plan include the establishment of a P2P loan exchange and the introduction of more complex ‘Hypercubes,’ which improve investors’ returns by double.

HYP tokens which will be distributed to investors via an Initial Dex Offering (IDO), rewards can be used to boost Hyperdex platform users and encourage the usage of automated trading strategies

About Hyperdex 

Hyperdex is a one-stop investment platform for regular people. It enables anyone to invest in DeFi with a single click of a button, as well as design and implement their own automated trading strategy for others to use, all without any prior coding knowledge. The native HYP token can be used by participants to boost their rewards and enhance their Hyperdex experience.

An engineering graduate who is passionate about writing and loves the very existence of crypto. Trading forex currency keeps me busy when I am not writing and analysing the crypto world.