Tue, January 21

Hydra Layer Scales Cardano (ADA) To Reach 2 Million TPS

Hydra Layer Scales Cardano (ADA) To Reach 2 Million TPS Market News
  • Input Output Global announced, Cardano can handle up to 2 Million TPS.
  • Ouroboros Hydra serves as the second layer for Cardano Network.
  • Hydra is Cardano’s Scalability Solution.

Cardano network is a decentralized blockchain platform that brings new standards in technology through globally distributed innovations. As the world is encouraging blockchain projects, numerous transactions are processed.

Thus, to improve the scalability Cardano comes up with a solution, Hydra which is the second layer on top of the Cardano layer. Besides, Cardano enthusiast, Aleksandra Huk, believes that hydra would be capable of handling 2 million transactions per second.

Hydra serves as the second layer of Cardano whereas the first layer uses PoS consensus. Hydra is structured in a way that fits well with a stake pool model. It can also implement smart contracts, allowing customers to create dapps that use micropayments, voting, and other features.

Hydra, Cardano’s layer 2 scaling solution, is being actively developed, as announced by Input Output Global. Also, IOG posted a tweet about Hydra’s process in phase development.

Cardano Handles 2 Million TPS

Cardano’s first layer uses PoS consensus while now Hydra pushes the boundaries of PoS scalability. In addition, Aleksandra Huk states that hydra can take Cardano to the next level regarding scalability.

As Hydra fits well with the stake pool model, each pool can create a new Hydra’s head. Each Hydra head can process 1000 TPS so adding more pools improves scalability. Thus, with 1,000 pools Cardano could possibly scale up to 1 million TPS and transaction finality will be super fast.

Finally, Cardano could handle 2 Million Transactions Per Second (TPS) with 2,000 staking pools. Also, Hydra allows for horizontal scaling. It entails increasing performance by incorporating more nodes.

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A Professional HR with a huge interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Through her content writing skills, she became a passionate contributor to the crypto space. Being an active crypto enthusiast she is investing her time and experience into the digital sphere.

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