Sun, February 16

Discounted Tariff For Crypto Mining To Be Eliminated in Norway

Cash Crunch Mining Firm Core Scientific Manages $72M Funding Bitcoin News

The finance minister of Norway, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, has proposed that the government do away with a programme that gives crypto data centers a discounted cost on power.

The Norwegian government made a proposal on Oct. 6 that might affect Bitcoin miners by making data centers in the nation pay the same power tax rates as other sectors. The government determined that the discounted tariff should be gradually eliminated due to increased power consumption in certain regions.

The finance minister said:

“We are in a completely different situation in the power market now than when the reduced rate for data centers was introduced in 2016. In many places, the power supply is now under pressure, which causes prices to rise. At the same time, we are seeing an increase in cryptocurrency mining in Norway. We need this power for the community.”

A proposal to outlaw cryptocurrency mining was first proposed by the Norwegian Red Party in May, but it was ultimately shot down by the Norwegian Parliament. At the time, Arcane Research analyst Jaran Mellerud predicted that Norwegian political parties “likely make one more attempt at increasing the power tax specifically for miners.”

Moreover, according to the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, several BTC mining enterprises are now active in Norway, using 100% renewable energy sources and contributing 0.74 percent to the worldwide Bitcoin hash rate. Furthermore, many Sortland inhabitants in the north, meanwhile, have voiced worries about miners environmental hazards, mirroring the views of American legislators.

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A diploma graduate who is passionate about digital currency and loves writing. He loves the concept of crypto and keeps himself up to date with the latest development and news of the crypto world.