Tue, October 1

bitsCrunch CEO Made Presence in the Chainlink Meet-Up

BitsCrunch CEO Made Presence in the Chainlink Meet-Up Press Release

Web3Chennai held its first Chainlink Chennai community meet-up on Demystifying Chainlink Oracles and VRF. The speaker for the first half session was Divya Gupta, Web3 developer, and Chainlink advocate. And the cherry on the top of the event was the interactive session with Vijay Pravin, Founder & CEO of bitsCrunch.

Divya had an explanatory presentation session about NFTs and the different approaches in existence for the Verifiable Random Function. A popular NFT, CyberKongz, was used as the case study for explaining the Chainlink VRF. Also, Divya is planning to launch her own NFT collection House on the moon, which is the artwork of orphan kids. The Random Number Generator (RNG) for this specific NFT was generated using the Chainlink VRF

The Chainlink community meetup had developers and experts who are building up projects on the Chainlink platforms. A few interesting projects among them were cercle X, which leads the path to digitize waste management. Another project that captivated the attention, which is still in development is NFT for NFT.

bitsCrunch CEO Vijay Pravin

Vijay Pravin, CEO of bitsCrunch, Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain company. The company blends the AI expertise with the Blockchain to bolster the NFT ecosystem. As per his speech, the firm is collaborating with major market leads such as Mastercard. And they have also been receiving funds from multiple source heads.

The vision and mission of bitsCrunch are to develop a token BCUT and to list it in Binance and CoinList. They also believe their product, Unleash NFTs, can be the leading data analytics for the NFT space, as Coingecko or CMC is for the crypto space.

NC Global Media had insightful and informative communication with the CEO and the other speakers. Chaal Pritam, the organizer, and host of Web3Chennai plan to build a strong web3 community in Chennai, with more such events.

NC Global Media team with Vijay Pravin, CEO of bitsCrunch

About  Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

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Media person with a programming background. Ecstatic about exploring worlds in and out of books. Gains confidence by trying out new things. Dedicated to upgrading knowledge about Crypto Market.