Sun, December 22

Bitget Exchange Looking for Expansion with Active Hiring in Key Departments

Bitget Exchange Exchange News
  • Bitget’s feature trading volume has witnessed an increase of 27%.
  • BGB token has reached its all-time high this quarter.

Bitget, a crypto derivative exchange, has released the transparency report for Q1 2023. The report includes the major achievements, new listings, and general traction that Bitget made in Q1 2023.

According to the report, Bitget’s feature trading volume has witnessed an increase of 27% quarter-over-quarter to reach $658 billion. And also, its website and mobile traffic have experienced a surge of 35%, resulting in 33.1 million views at the end of this quarter. Moreover, the BGB token trading price has reached its all-time high and shown a surge of 120% which accompanies an increase of 148% in BGB holders. It also states that the exchange is looking to hire 300 members in R&D, compliance, BD, operations, and customer support. 

In March, Bitget took a big step toward empowering women. The exchange announced its sponsorship of the Juventus women’s football team. It is a great gesture to support equality. The exchange takes on the role of being an inspiration for women worldwide through its partnership with the Juventus Women’s Football Team.

Bitget’s Massive Growth in Q1 2023

The impressive Q1 results rank Bitget as the 4th largest CEX by its total trading volume in 2023, according to TokenInsight. Bitget’s spot trading also showed massive growth this quarter. The trading volume of spot trading has reached $59 billion, with an increase of 8% in this quarter.

The exchange currently has 500+ trading pairs on Bitget spot trading, including 105 new coins in Q1 2023. Moreover, the launch of Bitget Spot Copy Trading provides users with better asset protection and expands trading choices. The total profits gained through the copy trading feature have reached $41 million this quarter.

The transparency report clearly shows that the exchange has achieved another impressive quarter. Gracy Chan, managing director of Bitget, stated that the exchange believes that transparency brings trust. By releasing the transparency report, the exchange aims to increase the visibility of its progress, share milestones, and strengthen the accountability of the community. 

A passionate content writer with a background in journalism. Loves to explore and stay up-to-date with new technologies. Through his writing, he aims to share his knowledge and insights about the latest developments in the crypto world.