Wed, March 12

Azarus’ Evo Tournament Campaign Drive Record Engagement on Twitch

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Azarus, a streaming overlay platform, has reported that its Evo Tournament campaign saw record levels of engagement. Setting new standards for user engagement, Azarus collaborated with Twitch to run interactive overlays throughout the AT&T-sponsored event.

The world’s top esports players and spectators came together for the Evolution Championship Series (Evo), which took place from July 19–21 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Global spectators followed the action via Twitch live streams augmented with Azarus overlays during the event.

For fans looking for new ways to get involved, Azarus offered a variety of Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) challenges and quiz games on Twitch. Azarus’s partnership with Twitch was a huge success, as seen by the record 37,000 gamers who were playing overlay mini-games at the same time.

4,200 codes were given out and over 74,000 gamers took part in the Azarus-Twitch campaign over the three-day event. The dynamic questions in the trivia sessions, which were based on stream clips, were also well-liked and increased streaming engagement rates by 21%. In contrast, RPS, which pitted players against the Evo Champion in real time, had a 51% engagement rate.

PlayStation Plus Premium Vouchers and Evo Online Merch Vouchers were among the rewards up for grabs for fans who interacted with Azarus overlays and watched live feeds of Evo on Twitch. These gave supporters even more motivation while acknowledging their participation in the event.

The Evo campaign’s success highlights Azarus’ overlay technology’s adaptability and suitability for fostering more fan and player interaction. Brands may benefit from increased lead generation, more social sharing, increased conversion rates for interactive advertisements, and increased brand exposure by using Azarus overlays.

Content writer by profession. A crypto lover and has passion for writing. Follows the developments of digital currency right from its launch, years ago.