Sat, January 18

AI Outpacing Blockchain For Institutional Traders As per JPMorgan

JPMorgan Collaborates With Indian Banks to Incorporate Blockchain Blockchain News
  • JP Morgan’s e-Trading Edit report is based on a survey of 835 institutional traders.
  • The percentage of references to artificial intelligence (AI) is already 53%.

When asked which technology they believe would have the greatest impact on the future of trading over the next three years. Institutional traders chose artificial intelligence and machine learning four times more frequently than blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.

Now in its seventh year, JP Morgan’s e-Trading Edit report is based on a survey of 835 institutional traders. Across 60 worldwide markets conducted in January. The yearly survey of traders’ attitudes covers a wide range of assets. And is meant to provide light on emerging trends and the most fiercely contested subjects.

AI Vs Blockchain

Professionals in the financial sector seem to have adjusted their views in light of the recent turbulence in the cryptocurrency market. And the current consumer and commercial enthusiasm about easily available AI technologies like ChatGPT. Last year, 25% of respondents named blockchain and distributed ledger technology as crucial to the future. Which was tied for second with artificial intelligence and machine learning. It was found that mobile trading apps garnered the highest percentage of users (29 percent).

The percentage of references to artificial intelligence (AI) is already 53%, considerably outpacing API integration (14%), and blockchain (12%). The popularity of mobile applications once predicted to be 2022’s top technology. Has dropped to seventh place, behind quantum computing and natural language processing.

JP Morgan conducted a survey of traders and discovered that 72% “had no intentions to trade crypto or digital currency, while 14% expect to start trading within the next five years. However, it was made abundantly obvious by the responses that respondents believed that other competitors in the market had a bullish attitude. 

Content writer by profession. A crypto lover and has passion for writing. Follows the developments of digital currency right from its launch, years ago.

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